The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

Union Canadienne - Combining security and savings

Be doubly efficient by combining security and savings!

Equip your home with a security system and enjoy many benefits thanks to L'UNION CANADIENNE's Home Prevention program.

Discounts will be granted according to the type of protection offered by your alarm system, but particularly with the Intégral Option offered exclusively by our supplier, Le Groupe Intégral. This protection provides the following benefits:

No monthly fees for the monitoring station services
No deductible to pay in the event of a claim, up to $300
Increase of up to 30% of your living expenses in the event of a fire
Preservation of the discount linked to a good insurance record despite a claim

For more information about L'UNION CANADIENNE's Home Prevention insurance program, contact your insurance broker without delay.

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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