The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

Optimum Société d' Assurance - Optimum Legal Assistance Service

Free new service with Optimum Residential policies
Optimum Legal Assistance Service
Optimum Legal Assistance provides valuable answers to legal questions you may
- What can I do if my company lays me off without cause after 20 years?
- Do I have any recourse if my home repairs have gone wrong?
- Am I protected if my recently bought used car gives me problem?
- My tenant has left giving me one week notice and still has 3 months left on his
lease. What can I do?
- Can my new neighbour cut a tree that is on both our properties?
- Can I do my own will?
- If I sell my house, will I have to pay income tax on the capital gain?
Optimum® Legal Assistance is a free phone service providing legal assistance and
information offered exclusively with the Optimum® residential insurance policy. It is a
fast and easy way to obtain general legal information regarding the following:
- Real Estate;
- Personal Rights;
- Commercial Law;
- Consumer Goods;
- Labour Law;
- and Family Law.
In order to access this service, all you have to do is have your policy number at hand
and dial as often as you want the toll-free number. This service is available Monday to
Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and allows you to get in touch with our
experienced lawyers who are available to answer your questions regarding your rights
and obligations.
Another great advantage to have your policy with Optimum

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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