The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

Aviva - Prime HardHat. Simply the best insurance available for the contracting industry

Focus on your business, not your insurance.

We know that in your fast-changing, competitive business, you have a lot more to worry about than insurance.You need to be free to focus on your business.

But with so many of your assets tied up in equipment and materials, you also need the peace of mind that comes from knowing those assets are well protected.

Peace of mind - in one insurance policy.

Aviva's Prime HardHat insurance package delivers the peace of mind you need by providing comprehensive protection for your physical assets, business income, liability exposures and employees.

Only Aviva has undertaken the indepth research needed to identify the special needs and potential exposures facing contractors. And only Aviva provides this unique, all-in-one protection package designed especially for growing contracting businesses like yours.

Get just the coverage you need

Best of all, Prime HardHat can be easily customized to meet your special needs. Plus, we are continually monitoring changes in the construction industry and updating our policies to meet new needs and risks facing our Prime HardHat customers

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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