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Promutuel Assurance Inc - Equipment breakdown

It's done! By subscribing to any of the Promutuel business insurance forms, you are automatically protected in the event of equipment breakdown.

The best industrial protection

The breakdown of a piece of equipment can, by itself, cause major losses to your firm. Of course, there are repair or replacement costs but also productivity and operating losses generated by the breakdown.

Promutuel has fine-tuned the best industrial protection at the best price. And as if that wasn't enough, Promutuel automatically includes it in all of its business insurance contracts.

Thanks to the equipment breakdown coverage, you will also benefit from a loss prevention service and a specialized claims service that will allow you to limit the amount of damage and quickly resume operations at the same time.

The protection against equipment breakdown covers a very wide range of equipment.

Here are some examples of insured equipment:

Pressurized equipment (boiler, air tank, water tank, piping)
Mechanical equipment (compressor, ventilator, gears, pump)
Electrical equipment (motor, transformer, generator, electrical inlet, electrical distribution panel)
Electronic equipment (computer system, telephone system, fax machine, medical equipment, cash register)
Production equipment (any machine that makes, cuts, trims, grinds or transports goods or materials)

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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