The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

Intact Assurance - Restaurant protection

You want to be in business for a long time, and together with INTACT Insurance, you can protect your restaurant or commercial cooking facility against fire, crime and liability. Here are some safety tips to guide you:

Make sure all cooking appliances are protected by an approved fire suppression and exhaust & ventilation system.
Don't use portable appliances to perform commercial cooking operations.
The fire suppression system that protects your hood, ducts and appliances should be serviced twice a year, following the manufacturer's specifications.
If your kitchen fire suppression system was installed prior to July 1, 1995, it will probably need to be upgraded due to the more stringent testing requirements of the UL 300 or ULC / ORD-1254.6-1995.
There are no automatic sprinkler heads to protect deep fat fryers. If ordinary sprinkler heads are used, cooking oils will spatter upon discharge. Place a K class portable fire extinguisher beside deep fat fryers or other appliances using combustible cooking materials.
Overhead kitchen exhaust and ventilation ducts should be inspected regularly and cleaned by a certified tradesperson.
Safeguard your alcohol stock by using physical protection and electronic security measures.
Large amounts of cash should be stored in a ULC- or UL-listed safe.
Verify that delivery people working on your behalf are properly insured.
Routinely inspect illuminated exit signs, designated exits and fire alarms.
The Loss Control team at ING will work with you and your broker to ensure up-to-date measures are in place in your restaurant, so you can continue doing what you do best - running your business.

Loss control checklist
Tips for restaurants
Sprinkler systems
Crime prevention

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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