The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

Intact Assurance - Rented dwelling insurance for landlords

Whether it’s a house, condominium or apartment, we can offer you a choice of two policies for your income property:

Rented dwelling comprehensive provides all risk coverage.
Rented dwelling fire and extended offers protection against vandalism and other risks identified in the policy (certain terms and conditions may apply).

To take advantage of our rented dwelling protection, your investment property must be used for residential purposes only. We also ask that you:

Own the dwelling being insured.
Be actively involved in the maintenance and upkeep of the dwelling.
Do not have more than one property claim within the last five years.
Have a maximum of two mortgages per dwelling.
Visit our Business section if you’re renting out commercial property.

Savings and Convenience
With our rented dwelling insurance, you can mix and match products to suit your needs and save money at the same time.

Easipay : Payment options that work for you.
My home & auto : Combined coverage for convenience and additional discounts.
TravelWell : Out-of-province or out of the country emergency medical coverage for you & your family*
Personal Liability : Added personal liability protection*
Our Claims Service Guarantee will put you in contact with our claims experts within 30 minutes of your call to report a claim – guaranteed (certain terms and conditions may apply).

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