The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

St-Paul / Travelers - Maritime insurance

“To make insurance on all descriptions of boats and vessels, the cargoes and freights thereof"
This quotation is an excerpt from the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company charter dated 1853. We've been writing the worlds oldest form of insurance since that time.

We have been the market leader in marine insurance in US & Canada for 150 years. We are recognized for our quality products, superior service, underwriting expertise, skilled claim professionals and our satisfied customers

Product Description

Marine Cargo Insurance
This is the oldest form of insurance as we know it today. Coverage is against physical loss or damage to international air and sea cargo; ranging from basic perils to all risk insurance. Coverage is written on a warehouse-to-warehouse basis. The basic policy form is generally extended to cover Temporary Storage, Inland Transit, War Risk and Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions.

Bluewater/Brownwater Hull & Machinery (Fleets only)
Providing coverage against physical damage, sue & labour and collision liability on ocean going and commercial domestic vessels operating in the coastal and inland waters of Canada.

Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
Coverage is offered in conjunction with Hull and Machinery Risks.

Marine Legal Liabilities
Providing coverage for all classes of traditional marine and marine related support operations, such as:
Covers the legal liability of an owner or operator of a dock or pier for physical loss to vessels and barges and equipment while in his care, custody and control.
Stevedores/Terminal Operators:
This type of insurance is written to cover a stevedore's liability as imposed by law in connection with direct physical loss or damage to property of others arising out of the loading and/or discharging of vessels in the care, custody or control of the assured for the purpose of loading/unloading.
Ship repairers:
Covers a ship repairer's liability as imposed by law in connection with making repairs or alterations to vessels entrusted to him for such purposes.
Covers an importer's, exporter's or trader's contractual liabilities as a vessel owner (Voyage Charter or Time Charter).

Marine Operators:
Covers the legal liability as imposed by law for operations of private pleasure vessels that are in the assured's care, custody or control.

Marine General Liability (MGL):
Covers the general liability exposures of an assured on an occurrence basis. Products and completed operations liability coverage is also provided.

Excess Liability:
Providing excess liability layers for all classes of traditional marine and marine related support operations, on a specific excess basis.

The Bumbershoot policy is the marine equivalent of an Umbrella Liability Policy.

Our target customers include:

Fleets of Ocean going & domestic vessels
Importers and Exporters (cargo only)
Wharfingers / Stevedores / Terminal Operators
Ship repairers

Minimum Premium: $ 5,000 Minimum Retained

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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