The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec

BI&I - Standard Boiler and Machinery Insurance Policy

The Standard Policy can be written as a direct BI&I "mono-line" insurance policy or it can be written as part of a reinsured Client Company's insurance package.

This policy offers a great deal of flexibility, both in the selection of insurance limits, deductibles and types of coverage as well as in the selection of types of equipment to be insured.

For example, choices are available for the:

Amount of policy limit of liability
Amount of Business Interruption coverage
Form of Business Interruption coverage
Amount of Extra Expense coverage
Amount of Spoilage coverage
Sublimit amounts of Other coverages (Automatic Coverage, Demolition and ICofC, Hazardous Substances, Water Damage, Ammonia Contamination, Professional Fees, Media and Data)
Special Endorsements to coverage

And, choices are available to insure the following equipment:

Pressure Equipment
Mechanical Equipment
Electrical Equipment
Electronic Equipment
Production Machines

To obtain a quotation, please contact the nearest BI&I office and ask for a Marketing Service Coordinator or Customer Service Representative. They will ask you for the following information:

risk particulars (i.e. name, address, etc.)
contact name and phone no. for inspection
details of existing coverage
loss history for 3 to 5 years
values (building, stock, equipment, business interruption and spoilage)
the coverage terms, limits, deductibles and additional coverages that you wish to propose. 

You want to learn more or would like to get a quote?

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