The largest Insurance Brokers Network in Quebec
By insuring your home on an Intergroupe Assurance policy, you automatically have access to several assistance services offered by the Ombrelle at home Assistance program, free of charge. In addition, services are also available to your family members living under your roof.
This additional protection allows you to benefit from the services of Ombrelle Assistance below:
Home support
Juridic assistance
Experienced lawyers from the Barreau du Québec are available to answer your personal legal questions from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 8 pm.
Emotional support
Professionals will provide you with a listening and emotional support service when you are in difficult times and may refer you to help organizations. This service is offered 24/7.
This service gives you access to an extensive network of reliable and recognized contractors in Quebec, from Monday to Friday between 9am and 8pm.
Nursing care
This service offers you the assistance of a nurse at your residence following your hospitalization for a period of at least two (2) consecutive days.
After your hospitalization, a housekeeper can be sent to your home for light housework for a period of at least two (2) consecutive days. (The service call can be made 24/7 but service is given during normal business hours.)
You have access to the services of an experienced babysitter at your residence following your hospitalization for a period of at least two (2) days or if your child is ill. (Maximum thirty (30) hours span a maximum of three (3) consecutive days per event and limited to five (5) services per year.)
Relief of caregiver
This service offers you the assistance of an agent at your residence to allow you to catch your breath in the situation where you are a caregiver of an elder or a person in loss of life. autonomy.
This bike assistance program offers three (3) service calls per contract year among the services described below:
Supplier privileges
Our suppliers of different products and services offer you discount, guarantees or exclusive services.
This service is offered 24/7.
Ombrelle Assistance is free with all our insurance policies, confidential and without affecting your insurance premium. The services are available to Intergroupe Assurance policyholders as well as to members of their families living under the same roof.
You are an Intergroupe Assurance insured in need? Do not hesitate to call 1-800-979-0699